Special Data Centres Locations/Ubicaciones Especiales de los Centros de Datos

The Data Centre designing is a tough task to accomplish, because the designer has to align all the trades, including Architecture, Information Transport Systems -ITS-, TI equipment, Energy, Cooling, Safety, Security all of them to fullfill not only the customer needs, trends and tatse; but also to keep GOVERNANCE intact, and compliant in all and each one of those issues.

But what happen when not only are the designer´s concerns?

Let say , how are you going to deal the needs, and design trends -best practices- when your customer ask to deploy a DC in a XV - XVII building?

Well this has been a very intersting task that our company has done. First you have to get the guidelines from the Chief Restoration Architect; that will give you all the instructions to take care of the wall, floors, and everything. Then you have to present how do you intend to solve the DC energy, cooling pathways from an to the DC space. if everything goes OK; you will have the clearence to tart designing, all the stuff for. After you have ALL considered; the CRA will have several meetings with the designing team to set all installation pahtways in order and avoid any block each other.

The DC project then has to be revised by the customer´s IT departmento, to assure that all requirements, have been taken in consideration by you as Chief ITS designer, and give any NEW input for accomplish your design , as they want/need.

This new iteration, will be pass for the same grid until the alternative to solve any issues is cleared by the CRA.

But , can you share any experience

roberto sanchez, RCDD


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