DC's. 2013 trend # 1. Mobile Devices

We are going to discuss these ten trends for mission critical facilities in 2013

1. MOBILE devices (smartphones/tablets)  are pushing the data into the users hands.
This mean that all the photos, payments, chats, emails, are needing more and more processing / storage in the cloud, so DCs are a must to fulfill these matter.

These devices have taken our lives, today modern societies uses the smartphones , tablets as daily basis tools, not only to post in facebook or tweeter but to make business, it is a fact that in the next few years these stuff will become:

-  Access to direct / personal marketing, 

- Payment media not only to transfer "e-money" but to pay a refreshment or parking.  Banking is looking to use more and more them as a mobile branches.

- e learning. Will have an explosion in the tablets to be ubiquitous, so more formation will be reach by everyone in a personal scheduling manner. For enterprise this will help to overcome the training to perform better their activities. Universities will use more and more (like Coursera) as direct and personal learning.

- BYOD    These devices are a personal stuff, you like you Galaxy or Iphone over a Nokia or  RIM.  Equipment, you feel comfortable with the "Apps" , so the organization will have to work very hard to accommodate all of them (or part) so the organization's information security will have to be enhance and the DCs are becoming a place to open the business mobility.

- Mobile shopping. More convenient, less uncomfortable, easier, direct payment, more options -same place/anyplace- ?    ALL of them and more, the customers like to find and understand better when they buy technology - with actual demos- , white goods, and so on. Of course clothing and food -some of them- will remain as a presence buy.

Just to find out how this trend is pushing, in Mexico we are 115 million, up date   exist at least. 88M. Cellular phones, so our  market has embrace the technology.

These devices are the KEY to open the world.

Or what do you think?

Roberto Sanchez, RCDD


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